The North Orange County Community College District has provided the COVID 19 Guidelines and Protocols Manual in order to establish guidelines and protocols for NOCCCD employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. The manual outlines directions for permitting employees on campus, reporting positive COVID-19 cases, determining exposure to COVID-19, and general expectations for work in the North Orange County Community College District during this time. NOCCCD includes Fullerton College, Cypress College and North Orange Continuing Education.
Please note that it does not specifically address faculty and students in classrooms or instructional facilities. Those protocols will be jointly developed this fall with the three campuses and faculty groups by identifying best practices that can be applied across the district, according to NOCCCD Chancellor Cheryl Marshall.
At the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD), our priority is to keep our employees safe and healthy to the extent possible, especially in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the District’s COVID-19 Guidelines and Protocols Manual is aligned and consistent with local orders and ordinances of Orange County, the California Department of Public Health, the State of California’s Phased Reopening Model, the Federal Government, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
This COVID-19 Guidelines and Protocols Manual highlights expectations and responsibilities of administrators, managers, confidential, classified, and temporary employees as the District operates essential business and services with respect to orders from the Orange County Public Health Care Agency. Because the knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve, NOCCCD’s COVID-19 Guidelines and Protocols Manual and other responses are dynamic in nature and will be updated as more information becomes available.
While this COVID-19 Guidelines and Protocols Manual outlines best practices, NOCCCD understands that every employee’s situation is different and encourages those with specific risks or concerns to reach out to their manager or Human Resources to discuss alternatives, should they be necessary.
Continued Classroom Closures
In May, NOCCCD announced that the Fall 2020 semester for Cypress College, Fullerton College, and North Orange Continuing Education will remain in remote status. Only classes that have been deemed to have an essential face-to-face component will be conducted, with new safety considerations, on Campus. State educational agencies and the local health department continue to develop school reopening guidelines which NOCCCD will follow when they are released.
Expectations for Employees
All employees are expected to fully comply with the policies, protocols, and guidelines outlined in this document. The success of coworkers and students depends upon on how well NOCCCD employees follow physical distancing, health, and safety protocols. Please bring any concerns regarding the following protocols to your immediate management supervisor or Human Resources immediately.