Free Wi-Fi Available in Parking Lot 4

May 03, 2020

Fullerton College students are welcomed to access free Wi-Fi from a safe distance within a vehicle in Parking Lot 4. The lot is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on the weekends from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Wi-Fi signal is the strongest immediately west of the Field House/Building 1700.


  1. This opportunity is for Fullerton College students in vehicles only.
  2. Please enter Parking Lot 4 off of Berkeley Ave.
  3. Please park in every other space west of Bldg. 1700.
  4. Restrooms will not be available.
  5. This is intended for educational purposes, is not a social space.
  6. The area will be monitored by the Campus Safety Department.
  7. The Student Code of Conduct applies.

Additional Wi-Fi Resources

Unfortunately due to the need to create safe social distancing on campus, the Parking Lot 4 Wi-Fi is only available to students in a vehicle. However, there are several other resources available. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office has compiled information on several companies are providing reduced cost or free internet access to ensure students have access to reliable internet service. The Fullerton College Library has also updated its website with a list of many resources. Read more.

Laptop Loan Program

Fullerton College is still accepting requests for the student laptop loan program. Students may request a laptop by filling out a brief form which they can access at the following link: Request Technology Support